Saturday, April 12, 2008



When I was very small and most adults were very tall
Rooms were very big or so it seemed to be
Memories of jam tarts and eccles cakes
My Grandma used to make
Jelly creams and apple cake and sandwiches
And toast spread with Jam or potted paste
Sunday was a special day when the shops would be closed
And people would have a day of rest
When we would all go to church and wear our Sunday best Sunday tea was a special time
We nearly always went to grandmas
She would say what would you like to try
I would eat one of every thing
Then my stomach would start to sting
Grandma would give me Andrews liver salts
And then we all would sing
Then I would start to feel sick to much food it wasn’t good
Maybe I shouldn’t of had the pud
Then the pain would go away
So I would eat another day
I dream of happy times
When I am there with my family
Together in the past
I want it always to last.


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