Saturday, April 12, 2008

Thunder storm

Thunder Storm.

The sky is dim a bang here a crash there.
Then the rain comes drop by drop here and there.
The heavy tension in the air
The birds squealing loud and clear.
It’s on its way a thunder storm loud and heavy is the norm.
It always amazes me.
It shows me how I feel inside.
The trees do bend to and fro in the wind.
The awesome Trees cannot stand proud and tall.
As they bend to the wind around and around.
Losing there leaves in the violence of the wind.
I feel its presence all around me.
It does not stop for anything.
Crash bang and then it’s gone as quick as it came.
A rainbow in its place shining bright.
Like a star on the darkest night.
Then we feel safe once more.
Until the next time.
We will shut the door.

Inspired by spirit.

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