Sunday, April 13, 2008


The memory of time slips by as the days draw shorter,
As the Sun rises each day bright and clear
We watch the winter moon shining in the cool blue sky of day
Time never stops presses on with the tick of a clock the cry of a baby or the sweet sound of chirping birds whistling the messages to each other
High up in the trees making them selves warm for winter
Ready or the winter rains and winds,
They will be safe as can be high up in there tree
Waiting for spring and the blossoms so they can see
To hide there nests safely from view
Then as there young are sheltered from the storms
And as they hatch they two will sing the sound of spring
As they chirp the sound of hungry baby birds
Then on day they will sing a sweet sound there mother will love
And they will learn to fly for them selves
And they two will start the cycle all over again
As the warm summer sun touches our skin
And we bath to keep cool in a shiny blue Pool
As the days draw longer and the hot nights keep us awake
We think of cooler days
Then one day the leaves will start to fall orange and Red and then brown
We know its autumn as we prepare for winter once more
And the frost upon the ground

Inspired through spirit

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